
2) None

i) Lessons 1 - 6

b) Genki I Worksheet (Second Edition)

i) Hiragana/Katakana Practice Sheet 2:

Lessons 1 and 2 (Reading and Writing Section)

ii) Kanji Exercises 3-5:

Lessons 3 - 5 (Reading and Writing Section)

c) Hiragana/Katakana Practice Sheet 1

i) Refer to attached files below

d) Syllabus

i) Refer to attached file below

e) Content Details

0) None Collection

1.a) None: Day 1 上 (Download from the Google Play Store)

___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___

2.a) None: Day 2 上 (Download from the Google Play Store)

___ ______

___ ___ ___

3.a) None: Day 3 上 (Download from the Google Play Store)

___ ______

___ ___ ___

1) None: Day 1-Segment 1 (Download from the Google Play StoreApp Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 1-Segment 1)

3) The Japanese alphabets

4) How to practice the alphabets

5) To use or not to use Flashcards

6) Advantages and disadvantages of keeping one's accent

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


2) None: Day 1-Segment 2 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 1-Segment 2)

3) How to remember Kanji characters

4) on-yomi and kun-yomi readings

5) More than the sum of its parts

6) How to say “I” (degrees of politeness)

7) How to say “I” (male and female)

8) のでnode and からkara

9) Attendance

10) をwo and にni particles

11) Comprehension Check

12) Assignment


3) None: Day 1-Segment 3 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:


1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 1-Segment 3)

3) 先生 (sensei)


5) The advantage of using Japanese alphabets over ro-maji

6) 日本語 (nihongo)

7) nihongo or nippongo?

8) Significance of the syllabus

9) Comprehension Check

10) Assignment

4) None: Day 1-Segment 4 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 1-Segment 4)

3) Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

4) Massive Open Offline App Courses (MOOACs) care of Usbong

5) 2 essential things colleges should teach

6) The point of going to a brick-and-mortar university

7) 質問ありませんか。(shitsumon arimasen ka)

8) The importance of saying the words out loud

9) Comprehension Check

10) Assignment


5) None: Day 1-Segment 5 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 1-Segment 5)

3) Handing a piece of paper

4) Ways to hand one’s passport

5) Receiving things

6) Exchanging business cards

7) Gestures without words

8) Comprehension Check

9) Assignment


6) None: Day 1-Segment 6 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 1-Segment 6)

3) Course Description

4) Learning Outcomes

5) Life-long Learners

6) Course Outline (Genki I Textbook)

7) Quiz Theme: Dates

8) Advice to college students

9) Comprehension Check

10) Assignment


7) None: Day 1-Segment 7 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:


1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 1-Segment 7)

3) Course Outline (Genki I Textbook): part 2

4) 日本語能力試験 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT))

5) Suggested Readings

6) Helpful ICT Resources

7) Usbong Team Project

8) Comprehension Check

9) Assignment

8) None: Day 1-Segment 8 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 1-Segment 8)

3) Helpful ICT Resources: part 2

4) Google Translate

5) Course Requirements

6) Quizzes and Assignments

7) Milestone Challenges

8) Comprehension Check

9) Assignment


9) None: Day 1-Segment 9 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 1-Segment 9)

3) Usbong Team Project

4) Peer Evaluations

5) Teacher Evaluation

6) Market Evaluation

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


10) None: Day 1-Segment 10 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:


1) Preface 2) Main Content (Day 1-Segment 10) 3) Final Oral Exam 4) Self-Challenge 5) Synthesis Paper 6) Grading System 7) Classroom Policies 8) Consultation 9) 自己紹介 (Self-Introduction) 10) Comprehension Check 11) Assignment

11) None: Day 1-Segment 11 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

__ _

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 1-Segment 11)

3) 自己紹介 (Self-Introduction)

4) はじめまして。(First encounter)

5) Social Duty vis-à-vis Individual Happiness

6) よろしくお願いします。 (“Please be kind to me.”)

7) お疲れ様でした。 (“Sorry I made you tired.”)

8) ありがとうございます。 (“Thank you (polite).”)

9) Comprehension Check

10) Assignment

12) None: Day 2-Segment 1 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 2-Segment 1)

3) First thing at the start of every class

4) The Beadle

5) Family name + SAN

6) 改善kaizen

7) ¼ sheet of paper

8) Comprehension Check

9) Assignment

__ _

13) None: Day 2-Segment 2-Quiz 1 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Play the role of a graduating student applying for an entry-level position at a multinational Japanese corporation in the month of October. The story may seem quite plain and ordinary, but the key is that the warmth one feels inside is true for you too.

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 2-Segment 2-Quiz 1)

3) Assignment


14) None: Day 2-Segment 3 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 2-Segment 3)

3) げんきgenki

4) はい、げんきです。hai, genki desu.

5) いいえ、げんきじゃないです。iie, genki janai desu.

6) おげんきですか。Ogenki desu ka.

7) 英語eigo and ローマ字ro-maji

8) Comprehension Check

9) Assignment

_ __

15) None: Day 2-Segment 4 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 2-Segment 4)

3) Greetings

4) Difference between “ohayou” and “ohayou gozaimasu”

5) 今日はkonnichiha and 今晩はkonbanha

6) さようならsayounara

7) 失礼しますshitsureiSHIMASU

8) またね!mata ne! and じゃね!ja ne!

9) Various ways to say “Good Night!”

10) Comprehension Check

11) Assignment


16) None: Day 2-Segment 5 (Download from the Google Play Store)


Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 2-Segment 5)

3) Difference between “arigatou” and “arigatou gozaimasu”

4) Various ways to say “sorry” (degrees of politeness)

5) Various ways to say “iie” depending on the meaning

6) いってきます。itte kimasu.

7) いってらっしゃい。itte rasshai

8) Comprehension Check

9) Assignment


17) None: Day 2-Segment 6 (Download from the Google Play Store)


Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 2-Segment 6)

3) ただいまtadaima; “I’m home.”

4) おかえり(なさい)okaeri(nasai); “Welcome home.”

5) るろうに剣心(rurouni kenshin)

6) The sword as a means to revitalize (or uplift) people (人を活かす剣)

7) Tell the truth or tell a lie?

8) 「おかえりなさい、剣心」「ただいま でござる」

9) Comprehension Check

10) Assignment


18) None: Day 2-Segment 7 (Download from the Google Play Store)


Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 2-Segment 7)

3) いただきますitadakimasu; “I receive.”

4) ごちそうさま(でした)gochisousama(deshita); “Thank you for the meal (after eating).”

5) ですdesu and でしたdeshita

6) ありがとうございますarigatou gozaimasu

and ありがとうございましたarigatou gozaimashita

7) はじめましてhajimemashite

8) どうぞdouzoよろしくyoroshiku

9) Lesson 1: 会話kaiwa; “dialogue”

10) かka or question mark (“?”)

11) Comprehension Check

12) Assignment


19) None: Day 2-Segment 8 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 2-Segment 8)

3) 数字(すうじ;suuji); “Numbers”

4) Counting 1 - 10

5) 柔道juudou

6) Counting 11 - 20

7) “Rice Paddies and Math Tests” (Malcolm Gladwell’s book, “Outliers”)

8) Counting 30 - 100

9) The Scientific Method

10) Comprehension Check

11) Assignment

___ _


20) None: Day 2-Segment 9 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 2-Segment 9)

3) 時間 (じかん; jikan); “Time”

4) Telling the time: 1 o’clock~12 o’clock

5) 分(ふん; fun); “Minutes”

6) Telling the minutes: 1min~10mins

7) Telling the minutes: 11mins~30mins+

8) A caution on seeing patterns

9) Comprehension Check

10) Assignment


21) None: Day 2-Segment 10 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface 2) Main Content (Day 2-Segment 10) 3) Filipino Hinga 4) Definition of “hinga” 5) Limitation of words 6) Demonstration 7) The world as a mirror of our self 8) Living in the present 9) Comprehension Check 10) Assignment


22) None: Day 2-Segment 11 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 2-Segment 11)

3) 年toshi; “age” and “year”

5) なんさいですか。nansai desu ka. and おいくつですか。oikutsu desu ka.

4) Confucian principles of conduct

6) 1~20+years old

9) Assignment

7) 成人の日seijin no hi

8) Comprehension Check


23) None: Day 3-Segment 1 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 3-Segment 1)

3) First thing at the start of every class

4) Cherish and relish every moment

5) ¼ sheet of paper

6) Comprehension Check

7) Assignment


24) None: Day 3-Segment 2 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 3-Segment 2)

3) O (maru) and X (batsu)

4) 平均heikin or average and 標準偏差hyoujunhensa or standard deviation

5) Contextual example

6) Its industry applications

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


25) None: Day 3-Segment 3-Quiz 2 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Play the role of an international student studying in Japan, and living with a Japanese host family.

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 3-Segment 3-Quiz 2)

3) Assignment


26) None: Day 3-Segment 4 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 3-Segment 4)

3) あの・・・ano…

4) moshi, moshi, ano ne, ano ne, ano ne...

5) 留学生ryuugakusei

6) ええee and はいhai

7) 小学校shougakkou、中学校chuugakkou、


8) Comprehension Check

9) Assignment


27) None: Day 3-Segment 5 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 3-Segment 5)

3) そうですかsou desu ka and そうですねsou desu ne

4) Counting via strokes

5) country + language

6) country + person

7) Year in college

8) Comprehension Check

9) Assignment


28) None: Day 3-Segment 6 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 3-Segment 6)

3) 単語tango or vocabulary

4) Various useful 単語tango

5) 単語tango related to countries

6) 単語tango related to course major

7) 単語tango related to roles

8) 単語tango related to family

9) Comprehension Check

10) Assignment


29) None: Day 3-Segment 7 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 3-Segment 7)

3) 午後gogo (P.M.) and 午前gozen (A.M.)

4) 電話denwa and ケータイ電話ke-tai denwa

5) 文法bumpou:“X ha Y desu” pattern

6) Comprehension Check

7) Assignment


30) None: Day 3-Segment 8 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 3-Segment 8)

3) 文法bumpou: Question sentences: かka pattern

4) Question word: nan/nani

5) 文法bumpou:noun1 のno noun2 pattern

6) Common Japanese names

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


31) None: Day 3-Segment 9 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 3-Segment 9)

3) Learning Team

4) Why take the Learning Team seriously?

5) Learning Team: Task Instructions

6) Numbers: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


32) None: Day 3-Segment 10 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 3-Segment 10)

3) Practice: Telling the Time

4) Practice: Saying Telephone Numbers

5) The Princess whose name sounds like a number

6) How I play Super Mario

7) How I got my Nintendo DS

8) Comprehension Check

9) Assignment


33) None: Day 3-Segment 11 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 3-Segment 11)

3) Practice: のno Particle

4) Practice: Answering in the Affirmative/Negative

5) nemui/nemukunai

6) Comprehension Check

7) Assignment


34) None: Day 4-Segment 1 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 4-Segment 1)

3) First thing at the start of every class

4) しつれいしますshitsureishimasu story

5) おそくなってすみませんosoku natte sumimasen story

6) Advice: language and culture > specialized field

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


35) None: Day 4-Segment 2 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 4-Segment 2)

3) Returning quizzes promptly

4) Immediate Feedback: A Pleasure of Computer Programming

5) Coding: Training to think and act logically that is practical

6) Beyond logic and thinking

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


36) None: Day 4-Segment 3-Quiz 3 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Play the role of a guest at your friend's "debut", or coming of age celebration.

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 4-Segment 3-Quiz 3)

3) Assignment


37) None: Day 4-Segment 4 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 4-Segment 4)

3) jouzu and umai

4) jouzu story #1: at a meeting in nihongo

5) jouzu story #2: from a jdorama scene about nabe

6) umai story #1: from a Japanese film about sushi

7) sushi story: why I like sushi

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


38) None: Day 4-Segment 5 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 4-Segment 5)

3) Japanese family

4) 会社員kaishain and 社会人shakaijin

5) しゅふshufu and エプロンepuron

6) Number of Children

7) Why it makes sense to me to have 2 children whose ages are not too close

8) Comprehension Check

9) Assignment


39) None: Day 4-Segment 6 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 4-Segment 6)

3) お名前onamae

4) ご出身goshusshin

5) お仕事oshigoto

6) Reminder: Milestone Challenge #1

7) Reminder: Hiragana/Katakana #1

8) Reminder: Project Pitch

9) Comprehension Check

10) Assignment


40) None: Day 5-Segment 1 (Download from the Google Play Store)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 5-Segment 1)

3) First thing at the start of every class

4) What is a “Milestone”?

5) What is a “Challenge”?

6) Life, as far as we know, is unfair, but...

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


41) None: Day 5-Segment 2-Milestone Challenge 1上 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Play the role of an international student studying in Japan. As you return to your dorm after attending a cosplay event hosted by your Circle, you serendipitously meet a cute Japanese person taking photos of the trees and the stars. Find out what happens next! You are your choices and more!

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 5-Segment 2-Milestone Challenge 1上)

3) Assignment


42) None: Day 5-Segment 2-Milestone Challenge 1下 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Play the role of an international student studying in Japan. You’ve just attended a cosplay event hosted by your Circle, and have serendipitously met a cute Japanese person. When you finally get back to your dorm, you find that you can’t get your mind off that person. Find out what happens next! You are your choices and more!

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 5-Segment 2-Milestone Challenge 1下)

3) Assignment


43) None: Day 6-Segment 1 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 6-Segment 1)

3) First thing at the start of every class

4) Hiragana/Katakana #1 submission

5) Project Presentation Observation

6) Project Investor Voting

7) Assignment


44) None: Day 6-Segment 2 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 6-Segment 2)

3) Project Pitch: Home and Family Life

4) Task Outsourcing

5) Story Script Guidelines

6) Demo Video of App Guidelines

7) Assignment


45) None: Day 6-Segment 3 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 6-Segment 3)

3) Project Pitch: Food and Drinks

4) Being vocal and inquisitive

5) Saying exactly how you feel

6) Being indirect, obedient, and non-confrontational

7) Assignment


46) None: Day 6-Segment 4 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 6-Segment 4)

3) Project Pitch: Education

4) Learning Hiragana/Katakana through Songs

5) Reminder: Investor Vote

6) Reminder: Situational Quiz (Numbers/Objects)

7) Assignment


47) None: Day 7-Segment 1 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 7-Segment 1)

3) First thing at the start of every class

4) Milestone Challenge #1: 平均 and 標準偏差

5) 英語eigo and ローマ字ro-maji

6) Why return to SENSEI the exam?

7) Assignment


48) None: Day 7-Segment 2-Quiz 4上 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 7-Segment 2-Quiz 4上)

3) Model Food

4) Restaurant Vendo Machine

5) 何名様ですか。nanmeisama desu ka.

6) Assignment


49) None: Day 7-Segment 3-Quiz 4下 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 7-Segment 3-Quiz 4下)

3) Assignment


50) None: Day 7-Segment 4 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 7-Segment 4)

3) Printed dictionaries, not dictionary apps?

4) Self-sufficiency and self-reliance

5) Not less than 10% of your income

6) Indicators of an honorable and trustworthy friend

7) Assignment


51) None: Day 7-Segment 5 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 7-Segment 5)

3) 会話kaiwa #1: 買い物kaimono

4) 知らない人shiranai hito

5) これkore、それsore、あれare (Part 1)

6) Assignment



52) None: Day 7-Segment 6 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 7-Segment 6)

3) これkore、それsore、あれare (Part 2)

4) 3 Circles: A-S-K-D

5) whose: だれのdare no

6) Assignment



53) None: Day 7-Segment 7 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 7-Segment 7)

3) たんごtango/vocab list

4) まずいmazui

5) Make your own food/Order your meal

6) Assignment


54) None: Day 7-Segment 8 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 7-Segment 8)

3) Secure company: “dull-boring” products

4) 喫茶店kissaten

5) English tea

6) Japanese tea

7) Assignment


55) None: Day 7-Segment 9 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 7-Segment 9)

3) いらっしゃいませirasshaimase

4) おねがいしますonegaishimasu and くださいkudasai

5) Large numbers

6) Assignment


56) None: Day 7-Segment 10 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 7-Segment 10)

3) Large Number Patterns

4) desires = “necessary expenses” = income

5) wealth = golden streams of income

6) Assignment

57) None: Day 7-Segment 11 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 7-Segment 11)

3) 練習renshuu: Numbers

4) 練習renshuu: 2 Circles (anata and tomodachi)

5) Assignment

58) None: Day 8-Segment 1 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 8-Segment 1)

3) First thing at the start of every class

4) Quiz #4: 平均 and 標準偏差

5) Hiding your quiz quickly?

6) Pretending to know things to be liked

7) Assignment


59) None: Day 8-Segment 2-Quiz 5 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Play the role of an international student doing some kaimono or shopping at Shinsaibashi in Namba, Osaka, Japan.

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 8-Segment 2-Quiz 5)

3) Assignment


60) None: Day 8-Segment 3 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 8-Segment 3)

3) Osaka: shinsaibashi

4) Osaka: doutonbori and nipponbashi

5) okonomiyaki

6) takoyaki

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


61) None: Day 8-Segment 4 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 8-Segment 4)

3) Lesson 2: kaiwa#2

4) kaiwa#2 explanation

5) Comprehension Check

6) Assignment


62) None: Day 8-Segment 5 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 8-Segment 5)

3) 文法bumpou: A-S-K-D pattern

4) “ga” instead of “ha”

5) “ano...”

6) Comprehension Check

7) Assignment


63) None: Day 8-Segment 6 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 8-Segment 6)

3) 文法bumpou #3: koko/soko/asoko/doko

4) 文法bumpou #4: dare no + NOUN

5) 文法bumpou #5: NOUN + mo

6) Comprehension Check

7) Assignment


64) None: Day 8-Segment 7 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 8-Segment 7)

3) 文法bumpou #6: NOUN + janai desu

4) 文法bumpou #7: ~ne/~yo

5) Comprehension Check

6) Assignment


65) None: Day 8-Segment 8 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 8-Segment 8)

3) Food Examples

4) カレーkare-: 見習うminarau

5) teamwork

6) Comprehension Check

7) Assignment


66) None: Day 8-Segment 9 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 8-Segment 9)

3) More Food Examples

4) soba, udon, ra-men

5) hamba-ga- and hamba-gu

6) Restaurants in Japan

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


67) None: Day 8-Segment 10 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 8-Segment 10)

3) kyoushitsu: classroom

4) Useful Expressions

5) Comprehension Check

6) Assignment


68) None: Day 8-Segment 11 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 8-Segment 11)

3) Things in the Classroom

4) Useful Expressions

5) Comprehension Check

6) Assignment


69) None: Day 9-Segment 1 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 9-Segment 1)

3) First thing at the start of every class

4) Quiz #5: 平均 and 標準偏差

5) Reminders: Project Status Update #1

6) Reminders: IT/software in any field

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


70) None: Day 9-Segment 2 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (None: Day 9-Seg 2-Quiz 6上)

3) 港未来minato mirai

4) 香港xiang gang

5) Ra-men Museum

6) Comprehension Check

7) Assignment


71) None: Day 9-Segment 3-Quiz 6下 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Play the role of an international student eating ra-men with your date in Yokohama, Japan.

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (None: Day 9-Seg 3-Quiz 6下)

3) Assignment


72) None: Day 9-Segment 4 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 9-Segment 4)

3) Learning Team: Observations

4) doko : asoko

5) dare no

6) Comprehension Check

7) Assignment


73) None: Day 9-Segment 5 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 9-Segment 5)

3) Practice Exercise: はha and もmo

4) Practice Exercise: ~じゃないjanai

5) Comprehension Check

6) Assignment


73) None: Day 9-Segment 6 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 9-Segment 6)

3) Practice Exercise: ~の

4) ええee and はいhai

5) ~ないnai and ~じゃないjanai

6) Reminders

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment


74) None: Day 10-Segment 1 (Download from the Google PlayStore)

Table of Contents:

1) Preface

2) Main Content (Day 10-Segment 1)

3) First thing at the start of every class

4) Quiz #6: 平均and 標準偏差

5) Reminders before the exam

6) We do our best to make life fair

7) Comprehension Check

8) Assignment



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